In the trading networks, 8 samples of ice cream from 5 Ukrainian producers were selected, as well as 2 samples of frozen semi-finished products from 2 producers.
The samples were tested in the State Enterprise "All-Ukrainian State Scientific and Production Center for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Consumer Protection" on physico-chemical, organoleptic, microbiological and molecular-genetic indices. According to research results, all tested samples fully comply with the norms and requirements of normative documents.
The Association of Ukrainian Producers "Ice Cream and Frozen Products" is a powerful public association established on October 30, 2001, which consists of 36 organizations - ice cream makers and frozen products in Ukraine.
The Association protects the rights and interests of Ukrainian producers, promotes the development of ice cream production, frozen products and the cold industry, provides information support to enterprises, develops mutually beneficial foreign economic relations, strengthens the scientific and production potential of enterprises.
